I don’t need to worry about the things I can’t control.
I need to confine my attention to the here and now, and I need to not let my heart be troubled or afraid.
Why is focusing on Jesus so difficult? Why do the cares and concerns of this world so easily encroach upon my peace of mind?
I hear God calling to me, “Come away with me. Come and rest in my presence.”
All of the little things that distract and consume…all of these things must be managed properly. First things must come first.
Today as I start my day I thank you, God, for never leaving me or forsaking me, despite my best efforts to return to the false safety of what I once believed would bring me comfort. You tend to my every need. You breathe pure peace into my soul. I know, in the deepest possible sense, that only in You is there comfort which is true and lasting.
Thank You for this.
Keep my mind stayed on you today. Keep me in that perfect peace. I cannot do this, God; my most valiant efforts will result in ruin and despair unless you fuel them with your perfect Self, the very substance which permeates the everything of this world. It is even in You that we live and move and have our being. Help me to see this and know this as clearly as I may during the time of this present darkness.