Quickly, Right Now

Immediately, I deliberately choose to accept your love for me. I choose not to question it, but to simply let it be the primary truth. These other thoughts and qualms, they rise and swirl, and I choose to accept that this is simply the case, too, but I do not let that chaos override the primary truth. You are love. You orchestrated the single greatest act of love that the world has ever known, and you did it with me in mind. Nothing and no one can ever separate that from being the truth. Every accusing and condemning voice that would convince me otherwise, or that would work to cause me to doubt that this love is real, or valid, or applicable…all of those voices are nothing more than arguments that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. I silence and dismantle them, and cast them down, and move forward from this place of peace and trust.

I lay everything else down. All of the cares and concerns, all of the worries and insecurities. All concern for self, and for what a day may bring forth, and every other thing in which there is fear, I put these things away and relinquish my grip upon them. I open my hands, and I let everything fall out of them, and I lift my hands to you in thanksgiving and praise. You have been so good to me. You have been better to me than I’ve been to myself (“well…been to myself…hey…”)

Okay, I’m done.

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