I am driven further and further into this rest by the wind and the waves. The storms of this life, meant to destroy me, only serve to accelerate my pursuit of the One who saves from destruction. This is what I choose. I resist the accuser. I defy him through the strength of the One who lives in me (who is greater, and in whose authority I exist.)
The sand of personal delusion, the unstable sediment upon which my house was formerly built, has been washed away now by the force of these storms. All that remains is the Rock, the solid foundation and basis of it all, and upon this I have now begun to rebuild anew. I am thankful for the opportunity to do so! Those storms could have carried me off to death, but they were not allowed to do so. My life was not suffered to be affected. Only everything else. So the pain has been immense, but I am alive.
I ran from God. I was ashamed of Him. I denied Him many times. But still he remained. He never left me. He never forsook me. He stayed with me.
How many times, back when things were so rough, back when I was out there blowing around in the wind…how many times did I hear Him calling to me to return? I hardened my heart a little more every time. I could have died out there.
God, why have You continued to bring me into this place of blessing, despite the gigantic amount of stubborn dumbness and arrogance I’ve demonstrated time and again? You never let me go. He never let go.
Bring me more and more into your plan. Mold my life. Change everything. Change it all. I only ask that You keep me in Your perfect peace. Give me the grace to keep my mind stayed on Thee. Also, teach me how to access this grace. Train me in its use, and do so in ways which comfort and help me. Do not suffer me to be moved. Only then will I be able to really live this life You’re calling me to.
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