
Jesus, you are my center today. I come back to this truth, and I dwell there. I dwell and abide here and now in this place of absolute dependence and absolute trust. I may not be able to actually trust in full, but I give you all of myself that I have command over, and I ask you to do what only you can do with the rest.

I just pull my attention and my affections back right now from everywhere else in my world, and I focus them all on you. Help me to do this consistently, Lord. Unless you build the house…unless you (love) dwells at the core of every effort and every relationship…it is all in vain. You are the source, the life giver, the healer, the comforter, the giver of encouragements, the keeper of promises. You are the only hope I have. Help me to quietly and peacefully remember that, always.

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