You are the Only Truth

You are my base reality. The words You speak to me, they are life, and they make me clean from the pain of the lies I’ve believed my whole life. You do not condemn me, for You came not into the world to condemn us, but to rescue us from the lies. The strength of their influence is impenetrable to us on our own. Different counterfeit methods are available, methods that pretend to offer deliverance, but which only actually offer transition into another version of the big lie. You are the only actual truth, and the words You’ve spoken over me will not return void; they will accomplish the thing that you intended them to accomplish – that being the full and complete transition of my soul out of the darkness to which it has become so accustomed, and into the light wherein You dwell, full and absolute, complete, lacking nothing, requiring nothing, providing everything, perpetuating peace, and joy, and the fruition of all good things.

I am in You.

In you…I Am